Spring, my favorite season, just arrived and here are a few things that i am loving. The Buddhist Bauharia Orchid tree, the flowers of plums and peaches, are in full bloom all over Nagaland, that too in pure pink and white hue. My cousins' cute Guinea pigs (2 of them) gave birth to 8 little baby guinea pigs and the 10 eggs of the hen in their backyard just got hatched and out came 10 little brownish yellowish chicks...Perfect timing i say!! So every morning as soon as i wake up, i go straight to my cousins' backyard and watch these little bundles of joy. Its an interesting observation, you see. The mother hen has already started taking her chickens for daily morning walks and guiding them how and where to get food. And about the guinea pigs, i find them very stupid and clumsy (esp the mothers) and irresponsible.While the pups try to suck the mothers' milk, my observation till now shows that the mother either shies away or does not care or rather they are scared of me.Anyh...